Turnkey Solutions for Membership Based Organizations


Why outsource?

We are expert at managing membership based associations. Our clients find that Paramount can provide most services at a price point well below what an association allocates to the same endeavor. The corresponding reduction in overhead can increase profit margins and reduce your cost per membership.

By outsourcing will I reduce my staffing levels?

By outsourcing to Paramount, you will be able to reduce staff however most of our clients re-focus their existing talent toward business functions that yield a higher rate of return.

Will we sacrifice member satisfaction by outsourcing?

Customer service is one of our hallmarks. Paramount managed associations enjoy consistently high marks on our member satisfaction surveys. When your member services coordinator does a bad job you might lose a member. When our member services coordinator does a bad job we lose an entire association. We remain motivated daily.

How do you negotiate such deep vendor discounts?

Because of our extensive national purchasing experience we are able to attract and negotiate offers from the nations leading vendors. Our representation of a diverse group of associations bring an economy of scale to the vendor supply chain above and beyond what a single association could achieve on their own. By aggregating the purchasing power of all of our clients, we balance the negotiating equation between purchasers and vendors.

How much money can our members expect to save if we switch to a Paramount managed Benefits program?

It varies by line item and industry however most of our clients save their members between 15 to 25 percent off each purchase. Additionally, we provide valuable cost-avoidance savings by helping clients push down to their members a standardized and streamlined purchasing procedure. This reduces the number of hours required for our clients’ members to negotiate purchasing contracts providing an additional value added service.

What else can we expect Paramount to bring to the table beyond product discounts and management services?

Paramount facilitates a unique mechanism for our clients and their members to coordinate not only their purchasing power, but also their brainpower. By drawing upon broad-based memberships, Paramount stimulates a pathway for the evaluation of new products and business methodologies. We take the old adage that two minds are better than one and open up a valuable line of communication, which creates some of the most exciting developments in our service offerings.

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